It ensures the proportionate and coordinated growth of the national economy through overall balancing by economic planning and the supplementary role of regulation by the market. 国家通过经济计划的综合平衡和市场调节的辅助作用,保证国民经济按比例地协调发展。
Medvedev says the government's economic planning should not necessarily count on a return to higher prices. 梅德韦杰夫表示,政府在制定经济计划时不能指望价格回升。
The economic planning agency recently approved a range of infrastructure projects, including railways, according to state media. 官方媒体称,经济规划机构最近批准了一系列基础设施项目,包括铁路。
Special Trust Fund for Economic Planning and Projections 经济规划和预测特别信托基金
Conference of Ministers of Education and Those Responsible for Economic Planning in the Arab States 阿拉伯国家教育和主管经济规划部长会议
Economic planning was always subordinated to sectarian and security considerations. 叙利亚的经济规划一直服从于教派和安全方面的考虑。
To combine economic planning with market regulation 经济计划和市场调节相结合
The Chinese top economic planning organ also said that it will improve tax collection and management and raise taxes for high-income earners. 作为中国最高经济规划部门,国务院发改委表示将加强税收和监管并加大对高收入群体的税收力度。
The National Development and Reform Commission, China's top economic planning body, has drafted a plan and has handed it to the State Council. 国家发展和改革机构,中国最高的经济计划团体,已经起草了计划并交给了国务院。
Integration of Economic Planning, Land Use Planning, and Urban Planning: Theory and Approach 经规、土规、城规规划整合的理论与方法
Meeting to coordinate the work of regional organizations in the area of forward economic planning; 前瞻性经济规划领域内区域组织工作协调会议;
He says the end of central economic planning by the country's government helped his company succeed. 他说,印度政府出台的中央经济计划最后帮助他的公司走向了成功。
The National Development and Reform Commission, the powerful economic planning ministry, and other agencies have recently backed seminars in Beijing about CSR. 最近,权势很大的经济规划部门国家发改委(NDRC)和其它政府机构,发起在北京举办了有关企业社会责任的研讨会。
A very important [ factor for western development] will be raising the proficiency of opening to the outside world, says Wang Jinxiang, vice-minister of the National Development and Reform Commission ( NDRC), the economic planning body. 中国国家发改委(NDRC)副主任王金祥表示:(西部大开发)一个非常重要的因素将是,提高向外部世界开放的熟练程度。国家发改委是中国的经济规划机构。
The standard, which has yet to be officially announced, was reported in a trade magazine and confirmed yesterday by an official attached to the National Development and Reform Commission ( NDRC), the economic planning body responsible for the standards. 中国尚未正式公布的这一标准,由一家行业杂志进行了报道,并于昨日得到中国国家发改委(NDRC)一位官员的证实。发改委是中国负责制定相关标准的经济规划部门。
In addition, we must continue to combine economic planning with regulation by market forces. This should never be changed. 还有,我们要继续坚持计划经济与市场调节相结合,这个不能改。
Main research directions: macroeconomic, regional economic, urban economic planning, resource industries. 主要研究方向:宏观经济、区域经济、城市经济规划、资源产业等。
Conference of Ministers of Education and Those Responsible for Economic Planning in Asia and Oceania 亚洲大洋洲教育和主管经济规划部长会议
On the question of production, the co-operative economy must be subject to the unified economic planning of the state, while retaining a certain flexibility and independence that do not run counter to the state's unified plan or its policies, laws and regulations. 在生产问题上,一方面,合作社经济要服从国家统一经济计划的领导,同时在不违背国家的统一计划和政策法令下保持自己一定的灵活性和独立性;
Economic planning cannot succeed in present conditions. 在目前情况下经济计划不可能取得成功。
More on China's local debt issues, and the country's top economic planning agency, the National Development and Reform Commission, says the situation is under control. 更多关于中国地方债务问题的新闻,国家最高经济计划部门,国家发改委称,这种情况正处于控制之中。
However, the National Reform and Development Commission, the chief economic planning agency, has resisted imposing the tax for fear of its impact on hard-pressed and volatile consumers, especially farmers and taxi drivers. 不过,中国国家发展和改革委员会(NDRC)拒绝开征燃油税,担心该政策对处境艰难、多变的消费者所造成的影响,特别是对农民和出租车司机的影响。发改委是中国主要的经济规划机构。
India, like China, has a penchant for Soviet-style economic planning. 与中国一样,印度也偏好苏联式的计划经济。
Meanwhile, inflation is reviving throwback elements of state economic planning. 同时,通货膨胀也正在“抵消”中央的经济政策。
African Conference of Ministers for Economic Planning and Development 非洲经济规划与发展部长会议
Yet while socialism and centralised economic planning have largely been rejected by free-market economists, the myth persists that central banks are a necessary component of market economies. 然而,尽管自由市场经济学家已基本上摈弃了社会主义和中央计划经济,但他们仍然相信,央行是市场经济的必要组成部分。
Zeng Mingyou, head of Chengdu's economic planning department, said despite a mounting debt load the city was controlling expenses and managing risks. 成都市发改委区域规划处处长曾明友称,虽然债务负担日渐加重,但该市在控制支出并管理风险。
The island's cabinet has begun work on a proposal to allow casinos which is now being reviewed by the government's council for economic planning and development. 台湾行政院已开始制定允许兴建赌场的提案,台湾行政院经济建设委员会(CEPD)正在对其进行评估。
In the short term, there is a risk of a fast decline in economic growth, the State Information Centre, a think tank under the main economic planning body, the National Development Reform Commission ( NDRC), said in a research note. 国家发改委(NDRC)下属的智囊机构&国家信息中心(SIC)在一份研究报告中称:中国经济正处于历史紧要关头。在短期内,经济增长有快速下滑的风险。
Secretariat of the National Economic Planning Counci 国家经济规划委员会秘书处